Tuesday, November 2, 2010

library computer.

So I am in the library, sitting at a computer, writing this because I am exceedingly lazy and unmotivated. I have a pile of homework and paperwork to do, yet here I am sitting and writing this for no reason at all. I am a poor synthesis of a life form. Also at the computers in the library there is a plethora of fellow students. One girl is staring at her computer screen with her mouth agape in a most unattractive manner. I just want to be like "excuse me, but your lulling tongue is distracting me from not getting anything accomplished, could you please consider closing it?" But alas that would be highly inappropriate in a civilized society, such as this one, not to mention it would probably take an unreasonable amount of time for her to discect that sentance and its key meaning. One boy is sleeping at his computer, his long curly hair covering his face and most of the key board. One hand still on the mouse, his breath flows in and out of his lungs slowly, methodical, like one has in a deep sleep. His cell phone, a Droid by the looks of it, is pinned under the dead weight of his left hand. It chirps unexpectedly, causing the boy to sit up in fright, sucking in his breath so quickly, the rest of us to look at him vaguely as he peers around at his surroundings. It is only after several seconds that he regains the knowledge that he is indeed in the library and remembers to look at his telephone. Poor kid, tired enough to fall asleep at the library computer. This exhaustion could, of course, be the result of excessive partying and not that of a dedicated student, in the case of the ladder, I do not feel bad for him at all.
Another person that enters shortly after this exciting event, is a serious looking girl, who, most likely, is of senior status. She wears professional looking clothes, with her hair just so and an engagement ring on her left hand. She reads as an adult because she has a innate beauty that shines with out the need for makeup, and a professional posture that takes care of the rest. For some reason my mind links people that are able to look good with out trying and adulthood together. As if at the age of ___ people are able to, all of a sudden, look adult like without trying. I believe that she has recently reached this point, for there is a slight shimmer about her face that has youth written all over it.