Thursday, January 13, 2011


The solution to a problem can only be found after one identifies that there is a problem to be had. Two of my very close friends are currently experiencing this in the heart-wrenching way. I am the type of person, as I'm sure I mentioned before, that has the internal drive to help others and take care of them in their times of need, so of course I offered my aid in any way that I could. But one can only offer so much help before the people you are assisting begin to suspect that you have some self-serving reason for help in the first place. I truly have no such interior motive. But the solution to this problem is keenly displeasing to both parties involved. Does that make my intent on helping them any better or worse, when I know the solution, which has been activated, and it is hurtful to the internal and external form of the people? Eventually, yes, it is going to be better, however the here and now of the situation is tireingly accute, espescilly being in the position I am in.

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