Thursday, June 24, 2010

At the coffee bean

So here i am, sitting at the Coffee Bean Cafe. A smallish type of roastery with brown/orange hews that make the environment one that is quite calming and conducive to a productivity. There are 9 fellow coffee lovers sitting in the Bean as well, sipping and talking in groups and pairs. Some, like myself are loners. There is a mildly attractive male sitting diagonally from me, who must have been here for quite some time based on the empty smoothie glass in front of him. His dark tussled hair and intelllegant brown eyes, along with the extensive amount of paper-work i front of him, denote a hardworking studious type of person. He holds his blue BIC pen with the cap snapped onto the back, head down in focus on what he is writing. He takes a moment to rest, sits back and stretches. I glance up, our eyes meet. How silly am I being!

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