Tuesday, June 22, 2010

burbble burbble

so as you can tell, I have not blogged in quite some time. This is due to the inevitable fact that summer "vacation" has started and is almost half over. Being waist deep in summer "break" is the root of my insanity at the present moment but there are several other factors to keep in mind. Factor number one- I am working 2 jobs and work on average 10-12 hours a day. Factor number 2- my ever increasing need to break away and rebel is conflicting with my families need to stifle my freedom. Factor number three- I have 4 online classes that are substantially more difficult to keep up with than I had thought they would be. Factor number four- The family vacation is two weeks away and it is really killing me that I have to put up with this for two more weeks. Number five- I keep injuring myself at work, although unintentional it is inconvenient to have massive burns all over ones arms. Six- Lack of time to ride my horse. Seven- Peru. Eight- bright blue leggings. So you can see that my life, as current, is exceedingly stressful and busy. I plan on writing tonight because I have this amazing story idea in the back of my head (or rather somewhere in the right front above my ear) and I NEED to write it down. One positive of this summer is that I have started reading again. I didn't read a lot in college because of the lack of an adequate fiction section. I now read, on average, 3 to four large books a week (large being around 400 to 500 pages.) Another positive is my taste in music. I am unsure a present where it is going but I will let you know when it reaches a concrete genre placement. until next time...

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