Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010- one month to go...

In college towards the end of the semester, one looks forward to summer so much. For the change of scenery, for family, for lack of class work. At the end of summer one cannot wait to get back to school. Friends, new classes, lack of family. It is a vigorous cycle that keeps us moving from kidergarten to graduation form college. Your whole life you are brought up to worship the summer as a break from work and stress. Imagine, suddenly, this cycle is brought to an abrupt end. Never again will you have class work to look forward to or hate. Never again the thrill of the first day of class or the last. Never setting up a dorm room, meeting a roommate, buying books, eating at the cafeteria, using quarters for laundry, getting ice-cream after an exam. suddenly it all just stops. ends. finishes. complete. fulfilled.
welcome to graduation from college, something I will be experiencing in approximitly 7 months. soon ,it will all be over.
My good friend, Abby Diamond, whom I write about often and have known for a very long time, and I were talking the other day. We talked of many things but mostly of life after college. She will be graduating in two years. I on the other hand will never experience another summer in college. This is my last summer as a child. Next summer I will be grown up and looking for a job, moving into an appartment and living my own life. In college, some believe that they are independent, but I know that this is not true. Even if parents are not present, we still have the school looking over us. What will I do after graduation, you might ask? Move out west hopefully, when we recently went on vacation there, I fell in love with the place. To my siblings it was mediocre, but to me it was heaven. They didn't see, but as the plane took off from Devner, and passed the mountains, I started to cry not wanting to leave. To me, there is nothing so beautiful as the Rocky Mountains or the plains that lead up to them. It is the main thing that is moving me towards graduation. The knowledge that as every day passes, it brings me one day closer to my mountains.

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