Friday, July 30, 2010

summer vacation, finally!

So it has been summer for approximately 3 months now and I am finally feeling like it is summer. I go back to school in a month (thank God) and I just finished my summer classes yesterday. Although I might have to retake 2 of them I am still relieved to be done with them. A huge pressure has been lifted off of me and it feels great! I went on a horse back ride this morning, by myself, for the first time in like a month and we went on a new trail and saw amazing things! Waterfalls, rivers, cliffs, ancient trees and much more. It was so peaceful, just me and the horse. There is no better feeling than being lost in the woods on a horse and putting all your trust in the horse and his instincts. Saber has never not gotten us out of a new patch of woods. His internal navigation always shows us the way out, all I have to do is hang on and trust him. The horse can feel the adrenaline rush when you know your lost. The unique, profound connection there is between you and the animal can never be repeated or remade. It is one of a kind. I have always been one to connect better with animals than with people. They are just so much easier to understand and get along with. I can look at an animal and immediately know so much about them, all of their trials and tribulations, joys and loves. They always listen to you and love you, no matter what. It is not many people that can listen to the animal too, that can feel there presence and conscious. I love my animals and never wish to be parted from them. They are my life.
On another note, Brandon is coming to visit this weekend! Abby and I are so excited! I get off work at 9 pm tonight so I'm going to her house to see him. He has become such a good friend of mine, I miss him a lot during the summer. It makes me wonder what I'm going to do when I move away after graduation. What will I do without my friends? Living in the real world won't be like living in college. I can imagine it will be substantially harder to make friends and keep them as an adult. I'm sure I will survive though. I always do.

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