Wednesday, August 4, 2010


running. it is something my entire family does, except for me. I decided this week that I would start, so I did. I like it. What, you might ask, would spur this risky adventure? Well, dear reader, I will tell you, but be warned, it is not happy...
I have been to many funerals in my lifetime. Most being family, or friends so close that they could be family. I really don't like the concept of a funeral, celebrating someone's life after they are dead, I never have. Most don't realize how amazingly precious a life is until it is gone. Especially when someone young dies, people always say "He/she was such a hard worker, a very good kid, so full of spirit and drive." This is what was said after a lifelong friend Chad died this week. He was 21 years old and owned his own farrier business (shoeing horses). He was wildly successful and exceedingly talented. He went to church, had a lovely girlfriend, a proud father and adoring customers. He was indeed, a very special kid. But as I think about the fact that he died, I wonder if anyone bothered to tell him while he was alive, how inspiring he was? Did I? Did his family or friends?
Think about this for a moment... If you die tomorrow, will you have felt like you were wanted, needed, loved? When was the last time someone told you how much they appreciate you, need you, love you? Start the cycle: say something nice to someone who is close to you, and maybe we will all live a little longer.

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