Thursday, September 16, 2010

classes... an inevitable evil

So classes are in full swing, and with 24 credits to keep up with it is definitely turning out to be interesting. I'm kinda brain dead right now but here are some writings from earlier this week.

President Brown walked through the hall, past his students with his head held high. His grey suit matched perfectly to his greying hair, the only spark of color being a tartan tie hanging from his large neck. In his left hand he grasped a tartan gift bag with red tissue paper bursting out of it, off to some important person, no doubt.

His face resembled one of an anime character, with a severely angled face and large eyes. His small mouth revealed perfect large teeth and his nose could barley be seen when viewed in profile. He sat leaning on the table with his elbow, sideways in his chair, using the back to rest his knee on. His other leg was coiled underneath him. His high cheekbone rested on his fist of the arm braced on the table as he glanced about in total relaxation. To finalize his look he sported a small dark go-tee and a ski hat, which with his dark tousled hair, enclosed his face in a black frame. Despite all these characteristics though, it was his large, burly, dark eyebrows that completed his hyper anime look. Never before had I seen such active eyebrows. I liked his face I decided, after much musing and contemplation, it was something I would like to photograph some day.

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