Friday, September 24, 2010


So today I am waiting to hear if I got a promotion or not. Yes thats right, a promotion! I am an RA (resident assistant) currently, but recently there came the need for a replacement Assistant Residence Hall Coordinator (ARHC) for one of the dorms. The current coordinators and assistant coordinators got together and compiled a list of qualified senior ra's to fill the space and my name, among 4 others, was chosen! This makes me very happy to know that I am doing a good enough job to be noticed! I had an interview yesterday and we are suppose to know by this evening who got the job. I am sitting on edge because I really want the job and I feel I could fill the position well. I love being a leader so I feel that this job will fit me. There are others that got interview though and might also get the job, they also would do a splendid job! But for now I will pray and update later on the results.

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