Monday, October 18, 2010

existing piece of matter...

I am tired today due to the most unfortunate of circumstances this evening past. some time before 5 o'clock yesterday I was confided in by a friend and resident of one of the resident halls. She was raped. I won't say names or details, for privacy, but I will say that this was a traumatic incident, even for me, not to mention how she was feeling. So of course I make the required phone calls and inform the authorities as to what happened, then proceed to take her to the ER, located in about 20 minutes away. We arrived there with no trouble, but none of us knew what to expect thereafter. We ended up spending the next 6 hours in the ER. We left by 12 am, at which point we were all exhausted, mentally and physically.
Back on campus, at 12:45, I dropped them off at their dorms and proceeded to a friends house to see her and her boyfriend, for the simple reason of craving their company. You know those friends that accept you, even when you are going crazy? Yep, I have a couple of those, you know who you are, and I wouldn't trade them for the world :)
I have many thoughts to blog right now but I need to sleep some more before that.

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