Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homework and Paperwork...

This week has been the week of homework and paperwork. I revised my usual schedule to incorporate all the work that has to be done. Every spare moment is filled with work and student teaching stuff. My life has turned into an engulfing blockhole of busy work. I was talking to two of my Junior Field group members yesterday, after a meeting we had, the three of us girls just sat and talked for a while. It was nice to just chitchat with some fellow females about our lives and where we came from, and I found out that we have a lot in common. Meditation and vegetarianism mainly. Both of them are married and in graduate school, hence I envy them, of course, and both are exceedingly mature and caring. I attempted to explain to them how my mind works and they listened, being very interested, to my faltering attempt. While talking to them I my mind was picturing my self in 5 or 6 so years, sitting with a group of women friends, chitchatting in a coffee shop, much like the one I so love back home. I, predictively, in this vision, had a large wedding ring on and was handsomely pregnant, drinking an iced tea and smiling happily as we exchanged stories about the week. My cell phone chimed during this vision and it was my husband sending me a picture message of a bouquet of flowers he had just bought me, but I realized in about .0009 seconds that it was my real cell phone that had just chirped, and it was not my husband, but Casey saying to hurry up for dinner. This switched me to thinking about food, vegetables, my beloved restaurant back home and a plethora of other things, so I left the girls and proceeded to dinner.
Well it is now 9:45, time for paperwork. As a last note, I tried sleeping more last night, and I got a whole 7 hours of sleep, remarkably, due to the urging of a new friend. I feel much different today :)

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