Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day Number two

Today is another snow day. Remember back to when you were a kid and how you loved snow days? Yeah well, there nice for a while, until you have absolutely nothing left to do. I am going to be so bored today! Hopefully one of my friends will save me from boredom!
I re-read my post from last night, and realize now that it is quite ridiculous. But no matter, I will leave it up, for the simple matter of that being my thoughts at the time. I really don't know what got into me. It was like someone had just woken up a piece of me that desired that sort of thing. I have always had a problem with the concept of love. Last night I even looked it up in several online dictionaries to see other peoples definition of it.
Now the kind of love you have for friends, I have no problem with. I tell my friends all the time that I dearly love them. It is the romantic love that I seem to be incapable of; all I have is infatuation. I wish I had some one to practice this sort of love on. I need a test. A practice run. A trial. I have to know if I am capable of it. You see, I have only dated one person, and I told this person that I love them, but I am not so sure I actually did. Right now I go through these fazes, in which I become abnormally obsessed with a guy. Actually I have one right now that has been going for about 7 months. I can't seem to get him out of my head. I would rather hang out with him, and 2 others, more than anyone else in the world. I don't think he understands this at all. Of course I cannot tell him about this ridiculous 'love" for it would most likely get us nowhere. I was always told that if a guy liked you he would do something about it. He would make it happen. During my online search last night, I found a peculiar article about sucessful women, women with a brain, scaring men away. I know in stature I am not very ferocious, but in mental state and statement, I am a force to be reckoned with. I will have to work on being normal so that I won't frighten people away anymore.

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