Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Almost there...

10 days. Thats how long I have left to be at home. Just 10 days before I move back to Edinboro for the last time. The last year, who knows what it will bring, is starting to scare me. With its unknowns and indefinites I am worried it will leave me broken and uncertain of what to do next. Will I be to worn out next May to actually move out in my own? Will I just want to live at home or stay in Edinboro for a while? I think the thing I have been thinking about the most is how much I will miss my friends and all the support that they provide to my fragile confidence. What will I do in Colorado all by my self? But of course I will have Kia with me to keep me company! She will keep me moving :) Friends to support me during the school year, Kia to be with me when I move and, of course, God watching over me the whole time. I won't have to do this alone. 10 days.

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