Sunday, August 29, 2010

Freshman move in...

So I am now at Edinboro... finally. I haven't blogged in a while due to the fact that I was in training all week and it is move in this weekend. Freshman move in was yesterday and upperclassmen are today. First let me4 tell you about the day I had yesterday, theirfor you will know the trying experiences I went through and how it effected me, especilly mentally.
I woke up at 7 am to begin checking people in at 8. I moved my car, just like all the other employees to a grassey area, so that parents could park cars in and unload from the lot. I was extreemly excited and energetic in the morning, since I love meeting the new people and being involved in the chaos of it all.
A little fact about me is that I am always thinking, thinking about everything, I am also exceedingly aware of myself and what I am doing. Now I know that this sounds like gloating or bragging but I assure you that I have no such intent in writing this. My truest wish is just to express my thoughts and feelings no matter how skattered.
Now back to the day, I moved my car and proceeded to the front desk to start setting up.
The front desk in my dormatory is like the RA home base, a fort for the leaders and role models of the castle. All paperwork, schedules, logs and keys are kept behind the desk. Our desk is staffed all day move in weekend to assure that all goes easily and as planned. Also to keep the flow of people moving we set up a tent outside to dorm to check in incoming students, they then proceed inside to claim a cart and move in. I, being a social butterfly, decided to sit in the outside tent and check people in. Like I said before, we had families waiting at 8 am and before, so we begin promptly at 8 and the chaos ensues from then on. I was happy, freindly, energetic and polite for about the first three hours, when we were slammed with incomming students and families.
As I am sure you well know that the mental stress of being happy all day and really drain you, sometimes even more so than physical labor. As it was I became fatigued by around 11 and by 2 I was exausted. I traveled to my room to take a shower and drank about a gallon of water and by the time I was finished it was time for my freshman floor mtg., the purpose of which was to basicly tell them how to survive the next day and a half, until classes started. The scholar on my floor Casey, and also one of my best friends, assisted me with the floor mtg and filled in the words I did not have the mental strength to think of in my state. After the floor mtg. we took the residents to the move in picnic and fed them, after which my 2 best friends, one also named Abby and Brandon came over to see my room and keep me company as I manned the desk from 6 pm till 1 am. We played Magic (a card game), chatted and ate Ramen noodles. I lost most of the games of Magic due to my depleated state and it wasn't until I ate a slice of pizza, my first real food all day, that I woke back up out of my trance.
Most people do not enjoy being busy or feeling stressed to the point when you just run on auto pilot, but i do. It is the one time when I am not thinking about anything and I can enjoy peace and quiet.
Another point of interest is my staff members. I am getting used to working with new people and learning how they opperate. I could write forever about all the observations I make of them but I won't bore you.
got to go, pizza time!

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