Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am feeling quite full of thoughts today. I am feeling optimistic, powerful, elegant and mysterious. It might be because I ran extra hard this morning, pushing myself to run farther and longer than before, or it could be just my impending return to school. I find myself thinking more and more often about what the first day in my new room will be like. The lovely solitude and silence of the dorm before students arrive, broken only by the crooning of my radio spilling out some classical ramble of my specific choosing. The empty space filling up with my belongings as I place things about and assign them a spot to remain during the semester. Creating a home out of the square box that smells of the cold loneliness it has suffered all summer, all odor of the last inhabitant gone forever. The feeling of satisfaction and content when all is put away and settled, as you sit on your freshly made bed and glance around, content and peaceful for the first few moments of your last year at college.
My last year at college.
After this year my time at Edinboro will only be a sentence: I went to Edinboro University. My entire college experience will be summed up in that one short powerful sentence.
The girl in brown and tan, a server at the shop, sprays the tables with cleaner from a dingy yellow bottle as the sun light shines through the tall windows illuminating the mist as it streams towards it's desired destination. Again and again she pelts the table top with the golden fog, as if beating and punishing it for becoming so dirty and causing her to need to shine it. She then apologizes to the table by wiping it slowly with a white bleached towel, frayed on one edge, proof of its overuse. The large arching movements of her arm, as she stretches to reach across the vast expanse of the top, are slow, methodical and practiced. The table does not stand a chance against such skill and tenacity, vengeance flowing from every swipe, she finishes and straightens, places the trigger of her weapon through her belt loop and places her hands on her defined hips in one swift, skilled movement. Another job well done, the conqueror turns on one foot, leaving the vanquished behind her, preparing to take on another unworthy foe.
Pardon me, I got distracted, simple yet beautiful things, such as sunlight and mist, seem to snatch my attention and form sentences in my head at the least opportune time. Must go now, work. Will continue later.

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