Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photo Shoot

Ifyou were to sign up for a history course that was titled "Ancient History of Rome" you would think that the content of the course would, most likely, contain information about Rome. I am in one such course and it is approximately 2/3 of the way to the end of the semester and we have yet to talk about Rome. I took the course because I had one elective space for my entire college career and I love Rome so I thought it would be a dandy idea to take a class in it. Not so much. I am now reading a book entitled "The Afghan Campaign", which granted is an excellent read and I would recommend it, except for the fact that it has nothing to do with Rome. It is quite infuriating.
Dispite the troubling class content confusion, I am having a delightful week. I completed a photo shoot for my photo one class and am quite pleased with the results. The project assignment was to shoot three rolls of film on the topic of "landscapes". Although I have no previous plight with landscapes, they are not my favorite. The human body is one of my favorites. So I decided to put my creative juices to good use and do a photo shoot on the landscape of the human body. The photos printed fantastically! I have posted several of my favorites here.

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