Thursday, March 18, 2010

print success!

Today is Thursday. Thank God! I have no classes on Fridays so Thursdays are like fridays to me. I slept in until noon today so I am fully rested and ready for the weekend. My parents are coming up to Edinboro to visit me this weekend so I have to be ready to entertain them. In my post yesterday I was expressing concern about the completion of my print project. Well I have finished it and I am exceedingly happy with the outcome. The design is engaging and the idea conveyed is exactly what I wanted it to be. I had mentioned the artist Darren Waterston and how much I enjoyed his work. His style is free and ever changing. I like the idea of art that is random and spontaneous. I might pursue this genre for a while.
On a larger scale, I am now thinking about going to Graduate School to get my masters. I'm not sure in what yet but I still have to think about it more. I am the type (if you hadn't noticed) that once an idea comes to my head I immediately set about doing it. I have to slow myself down sometimes and think. If I were to master in an art form, such as drawing, printmaking, metals, ect, I am not sure what I would choose. God has blessed me with average talent in every art form I have ventured into. I like the idea of mastering in art and teaching at a college level but again, I do not know what I would choose. I will have to put some more thought into it. I shall keep you posted on my progress.
My photo shoot is tomorrow for my landscape photography project. Instead of doing regular outdoor landscapes I decided to put a unique spin on it. My professor encouraged us to shoot what we feel is natural. My interpretation of this is the human body. Thus I recruited several of my friends to come to my room tomorrow so that I could photograph them. It is quite difficult, as you might imagine, to find people who are comfortable with being semi-naked and being photographed. I did find a sufficient number of people though and gave them all times to come. My one friend, Rebecca, is especially excited about it. She said that it has always been a dream of hers to be a nude model. I really appreciate he enthusiasm and I can't wait to photograph her.
Well that is all for now. I will post a picture of my completed print.

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