Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This is me.

So I have another blog for my trip to China next year, but I think I like this blog idea so I figured I would give it a try for my every day life. This is where I will put my thoughts, experiences and just ramble. I know that there probably won't be very many people who read it but I guess it doesn't really matter anyway. The blog is titled "My Average Lives..." because I feel like a act differently towards every person I know and come in contact with. My "lives" are different towards every person. This flaw I have become acutely aware of recently and I hope to reconcile it eventually... or maybe not. I am an on the fly type of person that has to have set plans. Just because I should fix it doesn't mean I actually will.
If any of my friends or acquaintances read this, I hope you will not find offense in it in any way. I still love you all.
I love classical music.
So I feel I should warn you, dear reader, that I am a very random person. I feel the urge to write whatever comes to my mind. This can some times cause difficult situations to arise. For example, I am sitting in History class and the professor mentions Mayan Temples so, naturally, I think of rain forest then animal then monkey then evolution then God and all of a sudden I feel the urge to write about God, or a story plot unfolds in my head about all or one of these things and I HAVE to write it down. So of course I do.
I love the sound of typing.
If you can deal with my randomness then you might find my life, or at least my way of thinking to be interesting. If not, then at least you will have a good laugh. But I will bore you no more with introductions, I bid you farewell and hope that you enjoy.

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