Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I saw a man outside the library today handing out new testoment Bibles. I knew he was going to ask me if I wanted one because I could see him from a way off and he didn't miss anyone. It was 11 am and traffic was bustling but he never missed a beat. He held three small green Bibles in his left hand and one in his right, procuring it to the passerbys. You know the ones they give you at highschool graduation or as free gifts at tables in flee markets. He was dressed in a grey suit and had a green tye around is chubby neck that was just slightly off from the tomes he was trying to push in to the hands of the masses. I felt sorry for him because as I watched not one person took a Bible. I know that there is a reason God put him out there on the sidewalk today. Even if it is just one person that is brought into the light that this mans efforts will not be in vain. I will always remember the first thing I learned about evangelism... That it is NEVER unsucessful. Even the person who didn't take a Bible will have the topic of God and religion swimming in their heads for at least the following several seconds. God Bless that man and his efforts.

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