Saturday, April 17, 2010

yet another shoot.

So yesterday I did another photo shoot. This one based on the concept of grief. I like this topic bcause if someone is truly grieving they cannot hide it. Almost always it shows in their face and people notice. Grief is, in my opinion, the most pure emotion one can have. It is one of shear loss, pain and anguish. Now I know that this might sound morbid but it is actually quite interesting, even though somewhat over-killed and over done. My idea initially was to stand out among grief photos but now I see it is a lot harder than I thought to do so. Now I am satisfied with just tying to convey the emotion.
Other than that I sold two Pysanky eggs I had made today. I made 20 bucks off of them and am selling another on Monday. I am winding down for the semester and getting work done more quickly and efficiently so I can be ready to eave at the end. I am all scheduled for next semester and I can't wait to be done for the semester and start working at the restaurant!!! I have been hanging out recently with my old roommate, who's name is also Abby. I forgot how much I enjoy being around her. She is the reason I decided to go to school for art and the reason i chose Edinboro. I owe all this to her and after being roommates we kind of drifted apart but now I am hanging out with her more often and it is a good thing
I drew a picture last night. I will upload it here. kk

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