Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Phone!

New phone!!! I'm so excited right now because I finally got a new phone after 2 long years. My old phone was worn out and so scratched that I could hardly read the screen. I got a new Blackberry because when I go to China I have to have a phone that works over there. It is going to cost me more every month but I am willing to pay the extra if it means I will have a real phone. My sister (Amanda) made the comment when we were looking at phones that it was time we got big girl phones, and I couldn't agree more. My mom and sister got them the monday after easter and mailed me mine since I had to return to school on Easter. It came in today and I nearly screamed with overjoyment (if that is a word.)
Other than the new phone there is nothing much happening in my life.
Well no there is actually a lot happening. I got candidacy this week. This means that I am allowed to continue my education to become a teacher. It is the next big step in my formal education. I schedual classes for the last time tomorrow at midnight. Thank the Lord! I am so ready to be done with college. I was talking today to one of my old residents that used to live on my floor. She graduated and is working in Pittsburgh full time. She is in a position that she loves, has a long term boyfriend, her own apartment and free time to burn. I envy her so much but I realise that I will soon be in her shoes. The thought of my own apartment alone is rapturing! Well its midnight, I'm off to bed.

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