Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Past week... I mean two days

You know when you are so busy and overwhelmed to a point where one day seems like a week? Welcome to the past two days of my life. The most stressful time of year, finals, accompanied by trying to get my class scheduled for both colleges I attend and fnishing projects for all three studios I am in this semester is just about ready to run me over, or at least it was on Monday and Tuesday. In scheduling, when you cannot get into a class due to it being full, a prerequisit, a corequisit, or a time conflict you can obtain an override from the course teacher to still allow you in the course. Most people have one, maybe two of these a semester, if any at all. This semester I had seven. Due to the simple fast that I am graduating early. You see colleges, like many other organizations, really want you to stay with them, theirfor getting more of your money. I attend a state school, meaning it is funded by the government, henceforth it is non profit. So they say. Allthough this is said that does not mean they want you to stay any less. The curriculum I am in right now is Art Education. A program that, regretably, is being remodled in 2012 to make it more easier to figure out what classes to take and more straight forward for scheduling. 2012 would have been my graduation date, would it not be for me getting out of here earlier. If I was to stay another semester I would have to take an additional 8-10 classes to meet the new criteria and about 8-10 of my current classes would not be counted. I refuse to go through with this. So, I am graduating early, something that my University does not like.
Regardless of this I am done with scheduling, and coming up on finals. Finally.

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