Thursday, April 22, 2010

late at night

Commonly, the average college student retires at around midnight or one in the morning. More and more I find myself breaking this unregulated curfew and staying up past three and four in the morning. Why you might ask, do I put myself through this unnecessary torture? Well, it might be for the simple fact that not many other people are awake at this time (unless they are taking part in certain elicit activities) or that you become acutely aware of yourself when you are thoroughly exhausted. On the note of being the only person awake, it is oddly calming without the general chaos of the day happening. Even though it is certainly possible to find quiet places during the day, you still have an perspicacious knowledge of the additional people about. On the topic of being keenly self conscious... well, try it sometime, you'll see what I mean.

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